I center my philosophy on life on the content of this book. When I am present, grounded, and in stillness, no matter what surrounds me in my environment, I have everything I need. I have a different perspective on time, stressors, energy, and on reality. The present moment of “now” is the only thing that is actually real. We have an autobiographical memory of the past, and we can use algorithms in our brain to predict the future, but we are not the past or the future - we are the now.
Finding presence in the moment is the challenge - some would say the greatest challenge in life. It is also where profound change can be made. “Change” is an interesting word, as it implies action. Our western philosophies have driven this correlation into our psychees. I believe true change starts with stillness. There are so many tools to locate and amplify this stillness. I read this book at least twice a year, and I appreciate how Tolle uses the question and response format to challenge his themes and deepen his explanations.